EKF-SLAM: Simulataneous localization and mapping with the extended Kalman filterr.
Created 2021.05.18 by William Yu; Last modified: 2022.08.08-V1.2.2
Contact: windmillyucong@163.com
Copyleft! 2022 William Yu. Some rights reserved.
Simulataneous localization and mapping with the extended Kalman filterr(拓展卡尔曼滤波SLAM)
- paper: https://www.iri.upc.edu/people/jsola/JoanSola/objectes/curs_SLAM/SLAM2D/SLAM%20course.pdf
- blog: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/399365812
- courseware:
- http://ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws12/mapping/
- http://ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws12/mapping/pdf/slam04-ekf-slam.pdf
- http://ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/mapping/pdf/slam09-kf-wrapup.pdf
Setting up an EKF for SLAM
${x, P}$: a Gaussian variable using the mean and the covariances matrix of the state vector, denoted respectively by x and P:
1. state vector
\[x = [R \ \ M] ^T= [R \ L_1 \ ... \ L_n]^T \tag1\]- where:
- R: robot state $R=[x \ y \ \theta]^T$
- M: map, the set of landmark states $M=[L_1 \ … \ L_n]^T$ 2n个数据
2. covariance matrix
\[P = \left[ \begin{matrix} P_{RR} & P_{RM} \\ P_{MR} & P_{MM} \end{matrix} \right] = \left[ \begin{matrix} P_{RR} & P_{RL_1} & ... & R_{R L_n} \\ P_{L_1R} & P_{L_1L_1} & ... & R_{L_1 L_n} \\ ... & ... & ... & ... \\ P_{L_nR} & P_{L_nL_1} & ... & p_{L_n L_n} \end{matrix} \right] \tag2\]Process
1. Initialization
0! set everything to 0!
2. Robot motion (Predict)
2.0 Motion func
\[x^-_k = f(x_{k-1},u_k,n)\tag 3\] \[P^-_k = F_xP_{k-1}F_x^T + F_nNF_n^T \tag4\]-
- f 是非线性函数
- F_x F_n 为线性化后的结果
2.1 Simplify
- the motion model changes robot R, but not map M.
- so that we only need to predict the R releated part in $x$ as well as P.
- F_x 矩阵虽然大,但是异常空旷
- F_xx 是充实的,F_xm以及F_mx是空旷的,F_mm是0
- 而且F_xx维度很小
- 所以简化3 4 两表达式,可以只考虑其中的R相关的部分:
- where:
- R: robot
- M: map
3. Observation of mapped landmarks (Update)
3.0 Observation function
\[y_k = h(x) + v \tag7\]线性化得$H_x = \frac {\partial h} {\partial x}$.
3.1 old landmark
step 1. 计算卡尔曼增益 \(K_k = P_k^- H_k^T (H_kP^-_kH_k^T + R )^{-1} \tag 8\)
- where
- R: 观测噪声的协方差矩阵
- H: 即$H_x$
step 2. 计算 error
投影模型,对某一个路标点,预测在当前机器状态下,应该得到的观测值 e.g.{角度,距离}(机器坐标系下)$h(x_k^-)$
做差得error \(z_k^- = y_k - h(x^-_k) \tag9\)
step 3. 更新结果 \(x_k := x_k^- + Kz_k^- \\ P_k := (I-K_kH_k)P_k^- \tag {10}\)
大致流程总结:表达式5,6 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10
3.2 new landmark